Hyperbaric technology of the future

These days, our health comes first. Just turn on the radio or TV, open a web news portal or simply grab some coffee with friends, you'll notice that you are surrounded by ideas of staying healthy every day. One of our main concerns and preoccupations is certainly healthy nutrition, i.e., striving to eat as healthy as possible. Healthy nutrition is more important today than ever. And if there is one thing we can say, it is that a healthy diet is at our fingertips. We have never been closer to eating proper healthy food.

Nutrition science has become an integral part of our lives, and the food industry is one of flagship industries of our country and economy. Croatia is very proud of its agricultural and food industry, as Croatian agricultural and food products are well-known around the world and our region. To make the fruits of our fields, stables, and industries even better, we have the Hyperbaric technology at our disposal. It uses high pressure processing (HPP) to provide manufacturers with a safe and even more affordable way to process their products, making healthy food more accessible and affordable, both for the manufacturer and the customer.

This cold pasteurization technique is a relatively new but very well-refined technology that was developed in Europe. It is a European product originating from Mediterranean Spain. The Nicolas Correa Group is behind that technology, with facilities in Spain and the United States.

The Hyperbaric technology originated in the Spanish industry, but very quickly spread to Italy and Great Britain in Europe, while in distant Asia it caught the interest of the technologically advanced Japanese, followed by success in China and South Korea. North America, as well as the US and Canada also use this technology. Not even the distant Australia and New Zealand missed this opportunity for technological advances, jumping on the train of HPP development. In South America, Peru had the honour of being the first to use this technique of cold pasteurization. Among our neighbours, Hungarians are proud users of the Hyperbaric technology.

But you must be wondering where this technology can be used. We see that the Hyperbaric technology is used around the world and in the most advanced economies of the world. Where can it be used here in Croatia? The answer is simple, in the production of juices, as well as in the processing of meat and meat products. Croatia, as a meat producer, as a country that produces excellent juices, certainly can use the Hyperbaric technology to do it even better. This technology produces microbiologically safe food, which retains the nutritional and organoleptic ingredients of the product, so that the end customer could experience food that does not spoil and has its own proper taste. Please find more on the work process of the Hyperbaric technology in the following blog entries.